Buddha Maitreya is the manifestation of all the Buddhas' realisation of loving kindness. This festival is a unique opportunity to concentrate on understanding and practising the precious instructions given by Venerable Geshe-la on how to develop the three types of love. We will also learn how we ourselves can quickly become a Buddha of Loving Kindness by changing our basis of imputation through Tantric practice.
Through engaging in the festival programme of teachings, meditations and retreat, we can radically transform our own lives and thereby the lives of others, and truly heal our suffering world.
"When we love all living beings, we have no enemies."
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU
The Festival will take place in the blessed Temple for World Peace set in the holy environment of Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, the Mother Centre of Kadampa Buddhism, which is located in Ulverston in the beautiful Lake District, UK. It is open to everyone and suitable for all levels of experience.
Over two weeks, the Festival will emphasise teachings and meditations on Advice from Atisha's Heart from our two most senior teachers. For the first time all of Venerable Geshe-la's oral transmissions on the verses are brought together, including his special advice on how to engage in retreat on this text. Through Venerable Geshe-la's encouragement and blessings they will transmit a complete commentary to all the verses.
By keeping Atisha's Advice in our heart we can maintain a peaceful, happy mind, our human nature and good qualities will improve, we will show a good example in this troubled world and we will quickly attain great enlightenment. Kadampa Buddhists have an especially close connection with Buddha Tara because she appeared directly to Atisha, the founder of Kadampa Buddhism, and promised to care for all his future followers.
"Simply putting this Advice into practice we will naturally become a Bodhisattva, a holy compassionate being who is the object of everybody's love and respect."
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche
The Festival will take place in the blessed Temple for World Peace set in the holy environment of Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, the Mother Centre of Kadampa Buddhism, which is located in Ulverston in the beautiful Lake District, UK. It is open to everyone and suitable for all levels of experience.
There is nothing more precious than the words of our Spiritual Guide. This festival begins with the empowerment of Dorje Shugden as a powerful protection and blessing, so that we can understand the deep meanings of all the teachings of Sutra and Tantra that we have received from our Founder, and so we can care for them, ensuring they remain vibrant, alive and functioning for many generations to come. With a life of dedication, Gen-la Dekyong pays particularly close attention to our Guru’s words.
Gen-la will share special advice that she has personally directly received from Venerable Geshe-la on how for our mind and the meaning of the teachings to become one, requires our Guru's blessings. She will also share how we can deepen our understanding of our Guru's speech continually, and how through this, we ourselves can come to hold his ultimate correct views and intentions and attain the enlightened state of our Guru.